Saint-Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Gatchinskaya str., 5GPS coordinates
Latitude: 59.961272
Longitude: 30.301878 -
- HOTEL@EURASIASPB.RU Reservation Department. Hotel information. Welcome 24/7
- SERVICE@EURASIASPB.RU Service Quality Control Department. Send your feedback and suggestions. We always listen to our guests and business partners.
- ONLINE@EURASIASPB.RU Coopration and joint projects! B2B
- GM@EURASIASPB.RU Submit your resume and join our team! :)
Hotel "Eurasia" thanks you for your attention, book and relax with us!BOOK NOW
Location and directions
On foot from the Chkalovskaya metro station: when leaving the Chkalovskaya metro station, turn right, walk 300 m to Maly Prospekt PS, turn left onto Maly Avenue, walk 500 m to Gatchinskaya Street, turn right onto ul. Gatchinskaya, walk 200 m to house No. 5 A. On foot from the Petrogradskaya metro station: from Kamennoostrovsky avenue, go to PS Bolshoy avenue, walk 800 m towards Gatchinskaya street (to reduce the numbering of houses on the even side), turn right, 100 m. on the street. Gatchinskaya to house number 5 A.